Saturday, December 09, 2006

Octora now has new owners

I've sold Octora to MediaMoo as I have other projects in mind I must start work on. I'm glad for the new owners and they've already put some things in place to make the site even better. Octora has a new gui and probably will have many other new features as well. See the updated site @

What other projects you're thinking? I'm not totally going away from RSS feeds..I'll do a mini project with that...but then I have another project I'll start work in the new year that's huger than anything I've ever attempted; but I'm up for the challenge!:-)

On other news..Vista is scheduled to come out to the world at any minute..We'll see how this affects the RSS world..

Right now I'm also learning new programming languages. One I haven't really touched on as yet in C#. I've been accustomed to C++ for too long and must get into the heart of .NET . I also have to get up to scratch with Unix. If everything goes according to plan, I'd like to move to the UK within the next two years so I must be prepared.

Anywayz..I'm out of for now...will update this again soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dream process is in the first instance admitted as a wish-fulfillment of the unconscious, but if this tentative wish-fulfillment disturbs the foreconscious to such an extent that the latter can no longer maintain its rest, the dream then breaks the compromise and fails to perform the second part of its task.. The libidinous excitement becomes enhanced and urges to sexual action (represented in the dream by the grasping of the child and the conveyance of it to the middle of the stairway).. ] [Footnote 2: Will D.. The dream never occupies itself with trifles.. These, consequently, we have repeated in the interpretation of the dream. I thought you loved a good horse because he was a good horse, said the widow, rather disapprovingly.. But to what opposition or to what diversity do we refer this whence? I think it is to the opposition between conscious daily life and a psychic activity remaining unconscious which can only make itself noticeable during the night.. I had some struck off in Chicago.. The back of the horse came into view, the dashboard became visible, and the bodies and the spirits of the two men rapidly rose.. He won't eat you--though he's killed many a better man.. Yessuh, breakfus', reasserted Babe, coming entirely into the room and looking curiously about him.. Evelyn was sitting thoughtfully on the porch when her father and mother returned.. Its meaning is that it shows the wish realized that pregnancy should not occur just yet.. Such ideas not represented in the dream itself are in this instance the antitheses selfish, unselfish, to be indebted, to work for nothing.. He wished to brace his flagging spirits with the gay wine of possession, and he was glad, when the money came, that it was in an elastic-bound roll, so bulky that it was pleasantly uncomfortable in his pocket as he left his manager.. I remember now, sighed Ross.. This is the sell ! he exclaimed, pointing to the outside prospect.. Farmin' somehow don't suit my talons.. Her husband was pink but collected.. But I done that out o' my respects of you an' Missis Fluker, an' your keepin' of a fa'r--I'll say, as I've said freckwent, a very fa'r house...

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Dubai properties said...

nice post
it is very useful

5:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, and now octora is a parked domain. Unfortunate.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Steroid Blog said...

how come senuke is still showing octora on it's site even though it's dead ?

11:55 PM  

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